Paladins Wiki
GameMode Payload

Payload is one of the Game Modes in Paladins.


Payload is an Attack / Defend style game mode with two rounds. The attacking team must escort the stolen treasure to the drop point near the defending team's base while the defenders push it back and hold long enough for the timer to run out. When round one is complete, both teams swap sides. The Payload only advances when at least one attacker is close to it, but won't move if there are defenders close by. The payload will start to move backwards after sitting idle for too long without an attacker near it. There are several checkpoints along the road that once reached will add some extra time and will prevent the payload from falling further behind.

If the timer runs out but there are still attackers around the objective an Overtime phase will begin, giving a last chance for the attackers to push and win. The overtime ends when either the payload reaches a checkpoint or it's destination, or after 6 seconds of no attackers standing near the payload.

The team that got the Payload cart furthest will win the match. If both teams push the Payload cart all the way, then the team that pushed it to the end point in less time will win the match. In Round 2, the Payload cart location will be displayed on the HUD and a marker will be placed in the world to show how far the cart must be pushed to win.

Players can change their Cards loadout at the start of the match. Items are not available in this game mode.


These are the maps that Payload can be played in:

