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Avatar for Malvodion

You have to keep in mind that you are not the only person who navigates the wiki and that different users have different screen resolutions, with a good chunk of them browsing the wiki on their mobile devices.

Avatar for A Platypus

My bad! I really didn't even think about that.

Avatar for Malvodion

I'm assuming that's also the reason why some lines on certain pages have odd lines instead of a consistent format? It's always important to keep things well organized and consistent, so that everything fits together. Sadly we can't have everything working perfectly for every screen resolution, because if its too compressed then it will leave lots of empty space for wide screen and pro users, but if everything is made too wide then it'll be all squished and unusable for low end users.

Avatar for A Platypus

The page still isn't finished, it's a work in progress. When it's finished all of it will be following the same pattern.

Avatar for Malvodion

Why do you keep changing the percentage to 27? The maximum width for the page is 100%. 25+25+25+27 is 102.

Avatar for A Platypus

It just looks better, with the text all in one line. And it's such a small increment that doesn't affect the rest of the page visually.

Avatar for Malvodion

It'd recommend showing 4 or 5 sprays per column, so that the page isn't stretched so much.

Avatar for Malvodion

You can make a new page if you want, make sure you format it like other pages on the wiki, and link it back to the main cosmetics page.

Avatar for Malvodion

There is already a sprays section on the cosmetic items page: Cosmetic Items#Sprays

Avatar for A Platypus

I understand that. But now there's no more champion sprays, they all are "all champions sprays". So will we just flood the cosmetics page with hundreds of sprays, or create a separate page for them or...?

Avatar for Malvodion

Please don't rename or overwrite old card images or card pages. This wiki holds info on old content. They are left like that intentionally.

Avatar for Malvodion

Hi. As I mentioned before, exclusive items are still exclusive even if they are not literal exclusives (that's what limited is).

Also I would recommend to only adding sections as they are ready, rather than leaving them broken for people to find. If you need help with wiki editing, you can leave a message on my profile with your questions and I'll try to reply asap.

Avatar for A Platypus

I read you last comment, but both Invader and Scarlet Charger are direct purchase items. And since you offered, the collection picturez for Eclipse Jenos and a lot of Evie's skins are missing, and I don't know the best way to get'em.

Avatar for Malvodion

Ah, alright. I can't double check, but if they are purchasable then yes they aren't exclusive, my bad then.

As for images of those two: The wiki is still in the process of updating all whats cosmetics, so we're still missing a lot of icons, but you can find everything we got here: Category:Cosmetic Item icons

It's the middle of the weekend but, if no one else beats me to it, I'll try to upload the collection and weapon icons for all the current skins this week.

Avatar for Malvodion

In case this is why you removed those tags: Just because an item was available on other chests, or on the VIP store at some point doesn't mean they are no longer exclusive. To be a normal item, they need to be purchasable with gold or crystals forever outside the VIP store.

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