Paladins Wiki

Accolades are medals awarded for a player's accomplishments during a match, and are featured on the final score screen. Each accolade has three versions: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Gold is given to the players who did the best in each category, with silver and bronze being given to those who would be in "2nd" and "3rd" places respectively.

Accolades also give bonus Currency Gold Gold. Gold accolades grant 25 Currency Gold, Silver accolades grant 15 Currency Gold and Bronze accolades grant 5 Currency Gold.

List of accolades

Accolade TopDamage Flank Kills

Granted to the players that got the highest amount of flank kills during that match.

Accolade MostEliminations Most Eliminations

Granted to the players that got the highest amount of eliminations during that match.

Accolade MostHealing Most Healing

Granted to the players that healed the most hit points during that match.

Accolade MostObjectiveTime Most Objective Time

Granted to the players that spent the largest amount of time capturing and/or escorting objectives during that match.

Accolade MostShielding Most Shielding

Granted to the players that absorbed the largest amount of damage with shields and mitigation during that match.

Accolade MostSoloKills Most Solo Kills

Granted to the player that got the highest amount of enemy kills without assistance during that match.

Accolade TopDamage Top Damage

Granted to the players that dealt the highest amount of damage during that match.

Accolade TopKillstreak Top Killstreak

Granted to the players that got the largest killstreak during that match.

Accolade TopMultikill Top Multikill

Granted to the players that got the largest amount of kills in quick succession during that match.
