Paladins Wiki

Below are the default Controls in Paladins:

Movement controls[ | ]

W or Up - Move Forward
S or Down - Move Backward
A - Strafe Left
D - Strafe Right
NumLock - Toggle Auto Run
SpaceBar - Jump

Attack & Skill controls[ | ]

Left Mouse Button - Fire
Right Mouse Button - Alt Fire
R - Reload
E - Ultimate
Q - Ability 1
F - Ability 2
B - Emote
T - Spray

Other control keys[ | ]

Tab - Scoreboard
K - Skill Screen
Y - Death Recap
I - Item Store
LeftAlt - Push to Talk

Voice Guided System (VGS) keys[ | ]

A comprehensive commands list with their keybinds can be found here: Voice Guided System

Spectator​ ​Mode keys[ | ]

A comprehensive commands list with their keybinds can be found here: Spectator Mode


About the Game  •  Game Credits  •  Account Level Rewards  •  Assembly of Champions  •  Champion Winrates  •  Commendations  •  Controls  •  Crystal Awards  •  Daily Queue Bonus  •  Developer Streams  •  DLC  •  Experience Points  •  Public Test Server  •  Redeem codes  •  Spectator Mode  •  Steam Community Items  •  System Commands  •  Voice Guided System

Other Games
Paladins Strike  •  Realm Royale Reforged  •  China Edition

Crossovers  •  Community Skin Contest  •  Merchandise


Bots  •  Common terms  •  Death Recap  •  Eliminations  •  Controls  •  Voice Guided System  •  Warning Indicators  •  Zoning

Abilities → Ability  •  Movement Ability  •  Weapon Shots  •  Ultimate Ability
Damage Types → Area or Direct Damage  •  Burst Damage  •  Damage over Time  •  Executes  •  Poke Damage  •  Sustained Damage  •  True Damage
Effects → Cleanses  •  Damage Reduction  •  Deployables  •  Healing  •  Immunity  •  Shields  •  Status Effects  •  Stealth

Cards  •  Talents  •  Items Credits

Game Modes
Game Modes  •  Capture Point  •  Payload

Maps  •  Map Features  •  Callouts

Game Mechanics
Advanced Mechanics  •  Anti-Healing Mechanic  •  Comeback Mechanic  •  Damage Falloff  •  Diminishing returns  •  Headshot  •  Lifesteal  •  Out of Combat  •  Overtime  •  Respawn

End of the Game
Accolades  •  Scoreboard  •  Post-Match Lobby Landing Screen
