Paladins Wiki

Map elements, commonly known as "Hazards" or "Special Features", can take many forms depending on the various hazards in each individual map and likewise can be used as a weapon or deterrent against the enemy team. Almost all map features grant a tactical advantage to those mindful of them. Awareness of these elements can not only prevent needless (and potentially embarrassing) deaths on all levels of play, but can even be taken advantage of to bait or push enemies into a quick demise.

Instant-Death Hazards

Hazards typically cause instant death regardless of a Champion's health. They also affect players who are under the effects of invincibility or any sort of resistance effects.

Cliff Ledges

AscensionPeakSC 14

Cliff Ledge of Ascension Peak (right side)


Cliff Ledge of Snowfall Junction (left side)

Present on almost every map, making champions with knockback abilities ideal for easy eliminations. Champions that lack flight/teleportation abilities are susceptible to being launched off the map without having any sort of means for recovery...

Maps With Cliff Ledges

Siege maps

Onslaught maps

TDM maps

Deadly Waters

Shot 04

Deadly Water of Marauder's Port

The waters that surround these maps are deadly to the touch and have the same kill mechanics as those of a cliff ledge, making champions with knockback abilities ideal for easy eliminations. Champions that lack flight/teleportation abilities are susceptible to being launched off the map without having any sort of means for recovery...

Maps with Deadly Waters

Drilling Mechanism


Drilling Mechanism on Splitstone Quarry

Kills champions on contact, making champions with Knockback abilities ideal for forcing other players into the spinning blades of the machinery and back to base after waiting out the respawn timer...

Maps With Drilling Mechanisms

Flowing Lava


Flowing Lava on Splitstone Quarry

Kills champions on contact, making champions with Knockback abilities ideal for forcing other players into the molten hazard and back to base after waiting out the respawn timer...

Maps With Flowing Lava


Dawnforge Map forge

Forge on Dawnforge

The forge constantly moves its hammer up and down as the Dawnforge creates an army of constructs for Azaan to use when he destroys the Realm. As one may expect, standing underneath this hammer as it creates a construct will kill the player.

Maps With Forge

Non-Instant Death Hazards

These environmental hazards do not kill players instantly, but can eventually cause environmental death.

Runic Fire/Burning Grounds

Shattered Desert Map Burning Grounds

Burning Grounds on Shattered Desert

Rapidly deals damage over time while standing on them. Mostly to prevent camping in certain areas or attempts to exit the map.

Maps with Burning Grounds


Dawnforge Map star

Star on Dawnforge

A small star is present on the side of the map, which slowly deals 5% damage to anyone that gets too close. However, a button is present next to the star, and upon activating it by stepping on it, the star will hover towards the capture point, where it'll remain for a short period, forcing players to spread out in order to avoid it.

Maps with Star

Enemy Spawn Room

Fish Market Map Enemy Spawn Room

Enemy Spawn Room on Fish Market

Rapidly deals damage over time while standing in front of the enemy spawn room. The damage amount increases in a logarithmic manner.

Maps with Enemy Spawn Room

  • All Siege and Onslaught maps

Special Map Features

While not lethal to Champions, these map elements can turn the tide in favor for those who are aware of them and use them to their full functionality.



Portal on Timber Mill

Entering a portal will teleport a champion to a predetermined exit point, making them ideal for ease of access to locations that would normally take awhile to get to on foot.

Maps with Portals



Elevator on Foreman's Rise

Standing on one will lift the champion standing on it to a higher location, opening new possibilities for them in terms of attack or other strategies. Unless your champion has any sort of flight/teleportation abilities, using the elevators is the only way to get up to most of the higher up points.

Maps with Elevators

Side Gates


Side Gate of Ice Mines

Exclusive to Ice Mines. Once the point is captured by either team, these gates will lower during the "Payload Push" phase. After the round ends, the gates close. This limits how much a defending team can zone, and allows attackers get back to the payload faster.

Maps with Side Gates


Bazaar 1

Doors on Bazaar

Exclusive to Bazaar. This map has three doors on each side, which only open for the respective team. These doors are marked in the team colours blue or red as an indicator for which team the door will open. After the door is opened, the opposing team has two seconds to run through the door before it closes again. In certain places, champions with vertical abilities can overcome these doors.

Maps with Doors

Jump Pads

Dawnforge Map jump pad

Jump Pad on Dawnforge

These purple pads will launch any champion that comes in contact with them in the direction they were moving upon touching them. Usually to a higher platform.

Maps with Jump Pads


Abyss Map Power-Ups

Power-Up on Abyss

These pick ups marked by it's distinct ring design will grant full Ultimate charge to the champion that picks it up.


  • Provides 100% Ultimate Charge to the Champion who picks it up
  • Initially spawns 40 seconds into the match on Dragon Arena. Spawns as the match starts on Abyss.
  • Respawns every 60 seconds when picked up.

Maps with "Power-Ups"


Shattered Desert Map Quicksand

Quicksand on Shattered Desert

Quicksand reduce the player's movement speed.

Maps with Quicksand

Spawn Teleport

Dawnforge Map spawn2

Spawn Teleport on Dawnforge

The spawn rooms lack a ceiling and wall, allowing for players to fall off the map. However, if players do jump off the map, they'll be teleported back into the spawn room rather than die.

Maps with Spawn Teleport


Stealth Grass

Stealth Grass was large grass on the maps, which allowed the player to effectively stealth from the battle so the player could maybe wait for cooldowns, Out of Combat heal or line up a shot.

Maps with Stealth Grass

Anti-Gravity Crystals

CommunityShot 03 (1)

Anti-Gravity Crystal of Warder's Gate

Anti-Gravity Crystals let the champions who enter their radius to slowly fly upwards. After that, they glide back to the ground, they appear exclusively on one single map at the moment.

Maps with Anti-Gravity Crystals


Bots  •  Common terms  •  Death Recap  •  Eliminations  •  Controls  •  Voice Guided System  •  Warning Indicators  •  Zoning

Abilities → Ability  •  Movement Ability  •  Weapon Shots  •  Ultimate Ability
Damage Types → Area or Direct Damage  •  Burst Damage  •  Damage over Time  •  Executes  •  Poke Damage  •  Sustained Damage  •  True Damage
Effects → Cleanses  •  Damage Reduction  •  Deployables  •  Healing  •  Immunity  •  Shields  •  Status Effects  •  Stealth

Cards  •  Talents  •  Items Credits

Game Modes
Game Modes  •  Capture Point  •  Payload

Maps  •  Map Features  •  Callouts

Game Mechanics
Advanced Mechanics  •  Anti-Healing Mechanic  •  Comeback Mechanic  •  Damage Falloff  •  Diminishing returns  •  Headshot  •  Lifesteal  •  Out of Combat  •  Overtime  •  Respawn

End of the Game
Accolades  •  Scoreboard  •  Post-Match Lobby Landing Screen
