Paladins Wiki

The Voice Guided System ("VGS"), accessed by pressing V by default, is a library of preset voice commands that allow players to communicate with their team without having to type in the chat. Using the Voice Guided System will also automatically send a message with the quote to the team chat.

There are also cosmetic voice pack for each champion that replace the default voicelines used by the VGS to new ones when playing with that champion, voiced by that character/skin's actor.

VGS options

There are three different VGS options available in the Gameplay settings:

  • Default view: A radial-text hybrid that displays the VGS system in a visual wheel with each option’s keybind visible.
  • Radial view: A radial menu that can be navigated with your mouse or your gamepad movement to select the option you desire.
  • Text view: A view similar to the old implementation of VGS but retaining the updated keybinds in line with the other two views.
  • (PC) Legacy: The view and the keybinds similar to the old implementation.

List of all Voice Commands

VGS Chat Outcome
E "Need Healing!"

"Need Healing!" (Activates when at or below 40% health)

Q "Attack the Objective!"

"Contest the Objective!"

F "Group up!"
R "Ultimate is down! (x%)"

"Ultimate is ready!"

C Chatter
B Positioning
G Awareness
V Tactics

VC - Chatter

VGS Chat Outcome
Q Game
E Exclaim
F Cheer
R Responses

VCQ - Game

VGS Chat Outcome
Q "Good luck!"

"Have fun!"

E "Good game!"
F "Completed!"
R "Hi!"

VCE - Exclaim

VGS Chat Outcome
Q "Oops!"
E "Awesome!"


F "Sorry"
R "Curses!"

"That´s too bad!!"

VCF - Cheer

VGS Chat Outcome
Q "I´m the greatest!"
E "You rock!"
F "No problem!"
R "Thanks!"

VCR - Responses

VGS Chat Outcome
Q "Yes!"
E "No!"
F "Cancel that!"
R "Okay!"

VB - Positioning

VGS Chat Outcome
Q "Enemies behind us!"
E "Chase the enemy!"
F "I´m on it!"
R "On my way!"

VG - Awareness

VGS Chat Outcome
Q "Spread out!"
E "Wait!"
F "Retreat!"
R "Be careful!"

VV - Tactics

VGS Chat Outcome
Q Defend
E I'm going
F Attack
R Enemies

VVQ - Defend

VGS Chat Outcome
1 "Defend left flank!"
2 "Defend the middle!"
3 "Defend right flank!"
Q "Defend!"

VVE - I'm going

VGS Chat Outcome
1 "I'll attack left flank!"
2 "I'll attack up the middle!"
3 "I'll attack right flank!"
E "I'll attack!"

VVF - Attack

VGS Chat Outcome
1 "Flank left!"
2 "Attack up the middle!"
3 "Flank right!"
F "Attack!"

VVR - Enemies

VGS Chat Outcome
1 "Enemies on the left flank!"
2 "Enemies up the middle!"
3 "Enemies on the right flank!"
R "Enemies on the point!"



About the Game  •  Champions  •  Cards  •  Items  •  Game Modes  •  Maps  •  Ranked  •  Awards  •  Voice Guided System  •  Cosmetic Items  •  Treasure Chests  •  Event Pass  •  Quests  •  Patch notes


About the Game  •  Game Credits  •  Account Level Rewards  •  Assembly of Champions  •  Champion Winrates  •  Commendations  •  Controls  •  Crystal Awards  •  Daily Queue Bonus  •  Developer Streams  •  DLC  •  Experience Points  •  Public Test Server  •  Redeem codes  •  Spectator Mode  •  Steam Community Items  •  System Commands  •  Voice Guided System

Other Games
Paladins Strike  •  Realm Royale Reforged  •  China Edition

Crossovers  •  Community Skin Contest  •  Merchandise


Bots  •  Common terms  •  Death Recap  •  Eliminations  •  Controls  •  Voice Guided System  •  Warning Indicators  •  Zoning

Abilities → Ability  •  Movement Ability  •  Weapon Shots  •  Ultimate Ability
Damage Types → Area or Direct Damage  •  Burst Damage  •  Damage over Time  •  Executes  •  Poke Damage  •  Sustained Damage  •  True Damage
Effects → Cleanses  •  Damage Reduction  •  Deployables  •  Healing  •  Immunity  •  Shields  •  Status Effects  •  Stealth

Cards  •  Talents  •  Items Credits

Game Modes
Game Modes  •  Capture Point  •  Payload

Maps  •  Map Features  •  Callouts

Game Mechanics
Advanced Mechanics  •  Anti-Healing Mechanic  •  Comeback Mechanic  •  Damage Falloff  •  Diminishing returns  •  Headshot  •  Lifesteal  •  Out of Combat  •  Overtime  •  Respawn

End of the Game
Accolades  •  Scoreboard  •  Post-Match Lobby Landing Screen
